Off to the Kimberleys!

We finally have internet!  Hurrah!  So now, in theory, I should have no excuse for not blogging away…  Except that I’m away to leave on a work trip for 3wks up to the Kimberleys!

Camel rides at sunset in Broome
Camel rides at sunset in Broome

For those of you who don’t know, the Kimberleys are a region up in northern Western Australia (close to the NT border).  This region covers 1/6th of WA – an area five times larger than that of Scotland.  It is one of the most remote regions in WA, containing only 38,000 people and one sealed road!  But – partly because of it’s remote nature – it is also described as one of the most beautiful places in Australia.  It is home to various rare and unusual species, such as bilbies, quolls, and bandicoots.  Not to mention quite a few dangerous ones, like fresh and saltwater crocs!  And I’m not the only one heading up there – thousands of humpback whales are also making their way up the coast to the Kimberleys, which homes their calving grounds.

Thankfully my purpose up north is a bit different to the humpbacks!  I’ll be travelling up with two co-workers, Andrew and Kate, to deliver our Maths programme to schools and communities in the area.  Scitech aims to visit every school in WA at least once every two years, so a large part of our job is travelling to regional areas with various science and maths roadshows.  I’m really excited – not only is it my first tour, but it’s to a fabulous location!

In other news, unfortunately I had my backpack stolen a few weeks ago whilst out on a program for work.  Of course, being the hoarder that I am, it was chocked full of various belongings – most importantly my house keys, wallet, mobile phone and sunnies!  The police don’t seem to have made much progress with their investigation, but on the plus side someone found my wallet in a bush last week so that has been returned (empty of cash though!).

Phil and I have joined the gym and kickstarted a healthy-eating mission, which is surprisingly fun!  We have been going to Zumba classes each week, which is great fun.  Although he’s a bit lonely as the only boy in the class, Phil makes up for it with boundless enthusiasm 😛  I’ve already managed to lose some weight and am in the process of breaking my chocolate addiction – yay!  Saying that, we have been couch potatoes all Sunday playing on our new wii…  I haven’t heard a word out of Phil for the last hour, but he seems happy!  Better go tear him away so he at least remembers to eat this evening…

3 responses to “Off to the Kimberleys!

  1. So ‘Matilda’, if u are off ‘waltzing’ thru the outback remember to pack yr ‘swag bag’ with insect (& croc?) repellant/sun lotion/hat/sunnies etc – no room for Phil to stow-away! And being paid to go… Enjoy X

  2. Hi Sarah, What a brilliant way to see WA, you need to tell your bosses the show needs to travel through remote parts of NT too…… I agree with your mum – insect repellant and sunscreen are essentials – plus drinks lots of water. Enjoy. Cheers Jen

  3. Nice to get your news again. Lucky you getting to see the country and be paid for it. Have a great time and I am already looking forward to reading how you get on.

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